hows your weekend going? mines...meh
anyway thats not what im talking about here.Today im going to do my first ever rant...well not really my first yeah...its going to be about the internet
Ahh..the internet...such a great place yeah? websites that you can browse...funny videos here and there...browsing pics of your fave band...those kinds of stuff
but..there are some faults...lets talk about them shall we?
1.wireless baud band
If any of you have laptops u will know what i mean. Im not a big fan of pre paid internet because after a while you will wear it out...And you know what that means?...u will have to retop it which means...paying for it.
Now sadly Im one of those people that have pre paid...and it was not kept glitching up an stuff it would say internet expleorer can not displaay this webpage and we had to refresh it and...stuff like that
2.slow internet
Do i really need to explain myself? i know all of you bloggers out there just HATE slow internet...and thankfully im one of those people
protip: dont go on youtube so much...thats what makes it so slow
3.the browser wars
If you guys are liveing under a rock here is that alot of people use different browsers...but some people just cant seem to respect that. Alot of people say that internet explore sucks...but why though? can someone give me a reason why?. My laptop has internet expolore and google what? i like IE and google chrome is pretty good too. Im not really a big fan of firefox....but i dont bash on people for likeing it...
And thats my rant! sorry if it sucks...